BitVM in Bitcoin: A New Frontier

In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrencies, a new proposal has emerged that could revolutionize Bitcoin’s capabilities. Robin Linus, a Bitcoin developer and the founder of ZeroSync, has introduced BitVM through a white paper. BitVM aims to enable off-chain smart contracts on the Bitcoin network without requiring a hard fork. In essence, it envisions a future where, much like the Ethereum network, “anything can be computed on the Bitcoin network.”

Pioneering Scalability with Zero-Knowledge Proofs

Unlike many changes often seen in the Bitcoin space, the proposed BitVM updates don’t necessitate tampering with Bitcoin’s code. This approach helps avoid fragmentation within the community and long-lasting debates. According to the white paper, BitVM introduces a new computational model to define “Turing computable Bitcoin contracts.”

Instead of conducting complex calculations on the blockchain, BitVM allows for verification through off-chain computations. This concept is reminiscent of Ethereum’s “optimistic roll-up” scaling solution, which validates numerous transactions off the chain before gradually incorporating them into the main blockchain.

Achieving Milestones Without a Soft Fork

In a Twitter post, Linus emphasized that this development would give Bitcoin contracts greater significance. Furthermore, he pointed out that the functionality created through a soft fork could, in reality, be achieved without undergoing the traditional fork process.

However, he was quick to mention that substantial off-chain computation and communication would be required, much like other recent proposals.

Early Criticisms and Concerns

As with any groundbreaking proposal, BitVM has sparked discussions and early criticisms. Dan Robinson, a researcher at Paradigm, expressed concerns that the proposal had garnered excessive attention within the Bitcoin community. He pointed out a limitation, stating that the protocol currently works only for two parties and may not be applicable in roll-ups or other multi-party solutions.

Dan Robinson, Paradigm

Adam Back’s Perspective

Adam Back, a veteran in the Bitcoin community, acknowledged the new system’s potential but compared it to an existing solution. He noted that it resembles Greg Maxwell’s ZKCP system from 2016. Linus, in response to Back, recognized the resemblance but highlighted the significant differences between the two systems.

Closing Remarks

BitVM has the potential to redefine Bitcoin’s capabilities and offer new opportunities, but it is still in the early stages of discussion and development. As the cryptocurrency community grapples with scalability issues, innovative solutions like BitVM may provide promising alternatives that align with Bitcoin’s core principles. Only time will tell whether BitVM can fulfill its ambitious promise and what kind of impact it may have on the cryptocurrency landscape. provides information about cryptocurrencies for educational purposes only. We are not financial advisors, and the content on this website should not be considered investment advice. Cryptocurrency markets are volatile, and investing carries risks. Always consult a professional before making financial decisions. Your investments are your responsibility.

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