Uzbekistan’s New Cryptocurrency Mining Regulations: Imposing Serious Restrictions

Uzbekistan, which has recently taken positive steps in the realm of cryptocurrencies and mining activities, has officially announced its new regulatory rules. This announcement makes it clear that mining can only be conducted by legal entities utilizing solar energy. Also, privacy coins like Monero have also been banned.

Stricter Regulations in Uzbekistan

The regulatory authority overseeing the cryptocurrency market in Uzbekistan has introduced new regulations concerning mining activities. The National Agency for Project Management (NAPP) of the country has issued a decree regarding the licensing of cryptocurrency mining activities, limiting this sector exclusively to legal entities.

Solar Energy as the Sole Energy Source

Although individual mining is explicitly prohibited, corporate mining activities will be allowed, provided they utilize solar energy. Additionally, in exceptional cases, miners might also gain access to the country’s “unified power system.” Unfortunately, the regulations do not specify the conditions for these exceptions.

Ensuring Compliance and Accountability

Furthermore, mining firms must ensure the timely and complete payment of mining fees as determined by the regulatory body. They are also bound to perform their mining operations exclusively at a registered address. Also, they are prohibited from conducting mining activities outside of this designated location.

Privacy Coins Banned

NAPP has taken a strong stance against privacy-focused cryptocurrencies. Mining of such cryptocurrencies is explicitly prohibited under these new regulations. One of the most well-known examples cited in this context is Monero.

Analyzing the Implications

These new regulations mark a significant development in Uzbekistan’s approach to cryptocurrency mining. The introduction of stricter rules, especially the requirement for solar-powered mining and the prohibition of privacy coins, will have a profound impact on the cryptocurrency mining landscape in the country.

Encouraging Renewable Energy Usage

The mandate for mining operations to use solar energy underscores Uzbekistan’s commitment to environmentally friendly practices. By limiting mining to solar energy sources, the country aims to reduce its carbon footprint and promote the use of renewable energy in the cryptocurrency sector.

Challenges for Individual Miners

The ban on individual mining activities may present challenges for crypto enthusiasts who engage in mining as a hobby or as a small-scale operation. With these new regulations, Uzbekistan is favoring larger, corporate entities for cryptocurrency mining.

The Role of Compliance

The requirement for mining companies to adhere to regulatory fees and operate within registered locations emphasizes the importance of compliance within the cryptocurrency mining sector. This move by Uzbekistan aims to ensure accountability and transparency in the industry.

Impact on Privacy Coins

The ban on privacy coins like Monero raises questions about the broader cryptocurrency market’s stance on anonymity-focused digital assets. While privacy coins have faced regulatory scrutiny in various countries, Uzbekistan’s outright ban sets a precedent.

Addressing Regulatory Concerns

Uzbekistan’s regulatory approach appears to be a response to concerns about the potential misuse of privacy coins for illegal activities. By banning their mining, the country seeks to mitigate these risks and maintain control over its financial system.


Uzbekistan’s new cryptocurrency mining regulations reflect a commitment to environmental sustainability and regulatory control. While these rules introduce significant restrictions, they also aim to create a structured and accountable mining industry in the country. As the cryptocurrency landscape continues to evolve, Uzbekistan’s approach serves as a noteworthy example of a nation shaping its crypto policies to align with environmental and regulatory objectives. provides information about cryptocurrencies for educational purposes only. We are not financial advisors, and the content on this website should not be considered investment advice. Cryptocurrency markets are volatile, and investing carries risks. Always consult a professional before making financial decisions. Your investments are your responsibility.

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