Bitcoin Whales Exerting Control Over the Cryptocurrency Market

Blockchain data platform Glassnode has identified that the top 1% of Bitcoin addresses control nearly 99% of the cryptocurrency’s current circulating supply. This figure represents the highest level in three months, last seen when investors held this amount at the end of June 2023. However, it’s important to note that many of these exchanges hold cryptocurrencies on their users’ behalf.

Accumulation of BTC

According to Glassnode‘s estimates, the top 1% of BTC addresses currently hold approximately 98.913% of the total supply, which is approximately 19.5 million coins. These investors have been in an accumulation frenzy since the beginning of June, temporarily halting the rise after Bitcoin’s attempt to break above $30,000 failed in the coming weeks.

Nevertheless, the primary cryptocurrency entered a mini bull run in July, surpassing coveted levels, reigniting the interest of whales, and causing their share of the total supply to increase. It’s worth noting that in May, the top 1% of BTC addresses held approximately 99% of the mined 19.5 million coins.

Addresses Holding 1,000+ BTC Hit a Record Low

Another record indicates that addresses holding 1,000 BTC or more have fallen to 2019 levels. Specifically, the figures on September 27 showed that there were only 1,997 wallets holding just over 1,000 BTC (equivalent to more than $26.4 million at current rates). The decreasing trend has been evident throughout the past year, witnessing collapses like the Terra crash, Celsius Network insolvency, and FTX meltdown.

In contrast, there were around 2,500 Bitcoin addresses holding such amounts during 2021, a year when the cryptocurrency market experienced a surge, and the primary digital currency reached nearly $70,000, its all-time high.

The Impact of Bitcoin Whales

The dominance of Bitcoin whales, who control a substantial portion of the cryptocurrency’s supply, has far-reaching implications for the market. Some of these include:

1. Market Volatility: Large Bitcoin holders can significantly impact the market by initiating massive buy or sell orders, leading to price fluctuations.

2. Potential for Price Manipulation: Whales may engage in price manipulation by coordinating trades or engaging in pump-and-dump schemes, potentially harming smaller investors.

3. Centralized Influence: The concentration of Bitcoin among a few entities raises concerns about the centralization of power within the cryptocurrency space.

The Relationship Between Bitcoin Whales and Market Sentiment

The behavior of Bitcoin whales can also influence market sentiment:

1. Fear and Greed Index: When whales make large transactions, it can trigger responses on the Fear and Greed Index, affecting trader sentiment.

2. Market Speculation: Whales’ moves are often closely watched by traders and investors, leading to speculation about market trends.

3. Trading Patterns: Whales’ trading patterns can influence others, creating trends that impact the broader market.

Addressing the Whale Issue

The concentration of Bitcoin among a small percentage of addresses raises questions about decentralization and market fairness. To address this issue, the cryptocurrency community and regulators should consider:

1. Greater Transparency: Encouraging transparency among large holders, especially exchanges, can help monitor their activities and reduce the potential for market manipulation.

2. Regulations: Regulators should develop and enforce regulations that prevent market manipulation and ensure a level playing field for all investors.

3. Decentralization Efforts: Continued efforts to promote decentralization within the cryptocurrency space can mitigate the influence of large holders.


The dominance of Bitcoin whales in terms of supply control highlights the challenges and opportunities within the cryptocurrency market. While their actions can influence market dynamics and sentiment, addressing this concentration of power is essential to ensure a fair and decentralized digital asset ecosystem. Balancing the interests of both large and small investors will be crucial for the future stability and growth of the cryptocurrency market. provides information about cryptocurrencies for educational purposes only. We are not financial advisors, and the content on this website should not be considered investment advice. Cryptocurrency markets are volatile, and investing carries risks. Always consult a professional before making financial decisions. Your investments are your responsibility.

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